Grow more profitable with AIContinuously monitor plant growth and health with a HortiCam.

Automatic data collection & analysis Feeding into your control system or simply into a spreadsheet as shown above.

ZBeyond Timelapse Camera

BenefitsTell the AI what to look for and how to notify you.

ZEITCloud Image Selector
Solar Powered & 4GLTE Connected

Many custom models available

ZEITCloud Image Selector
Let AI find anomalies for you.

"Anything wrong with my plants?", "Please measure the stem diameter and put it in a spreadsheet."

ZEITCloud Image Selector
Easy Setup

Control via Web Interface


$600 Upfront
All the equipment you will need: Camera, Solar, Mounting Gear
$50 Monthly Service Fee
Includes: Notifications, Reports, Cellular Data (1GB), Cloud Storage, Web Interface, API Access, Support

All in US$. Customer is responsible for shipping cost, freight, duty and taxes where applicable. ZEITDICE INC. is based in Toronto and ships from Ontario, Canada.


It's 5am in Toronto and our phones are off but you can schedule a call or send us a message below.

Send us a message

We will do our best to get back to you immediately, even outside business hours.

Hi, I am Michael. My team and I make unique cameras in Toronto.

Michael Schwanzer in a Greenhouse with Camera